Friday, December 13, 2013

The Pyramid of Giza

What are Pyramids?
Egypt has the most famous pyramids in the world. The pyramids that were built thousands of years ago for pharaohs and kings. Over 130 pyramids have been found in Egypt. Pyramid is defined as a polyhedron made by connecting a  polygonal base. The point on the top is called apex.  The Egyptian pyramids may have been modeled after a sacred, pointed statue. The  ben-ben  stone means the rays of the sun. The Egyptians Believed that when the pharaoh dies it  reaches heaven by the sun beams. The weight of the pyramid evens out on all sides of the pyramids base. Most of the weight is on the bottom of the pyramid. The higher you go the less weight it is. This allowed ancient civilizations to build very sturdy pyramids.
What is the most Famous Pyramid? 
The most famous pyramid is the Pyramid of Giza near Cairo. The Great Pyramid of Khufu is one of the largest pyramids in the world. It is one of the seven wonders of the world that is still in existence.
It is built with 1.3 million limestone's. The weigh anywhere from 5,000 pounds to 30,000 pounds. It's four sides face north,south,east,and west precisely. It used to be 488 feet tall but now it is455 feet tall. No one really knows for sure how the Great pyramid of Giza was made. Without the technology and machines to build the Great  Pyramid of Giza The Egyptians still managed to build a very sturdy pyramid. Some experts believe that the believe the pyramids could have been built with as few as 20,000-30,000 workers. Other experts, however, argue that it might have taken over 100,000 workers.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Clara Barton

Clara Barton is widely honored in American history. She was born on December 25 1821 as Clarissa Harlowe in  Oxford, Massachusetts. Her career started when her brother David was sick. She was the first women in the federal government. She worked at the United States Patent Office in Washington D.C. She was also a nurse and a humanitarian. When the civil war began in 1861 she recognized that there was a need of help for the poor soldiers. Instead of waiting for people to take action, she started getting supplies by herself. She asked people for donations, and stored them to distribute them to the soldiers. She helped the soldiers in many ways. She read to them, wrote letters, and prayed for them.

Clara Barton repeatedly kept asking the government and military for permission to bring her voluntary services and supplies to the places they were needed the most. After the Battle of Cedar Mountain in Northern Virginia in August 1862, She arrived at a field hospital with all of her supplies and was ready to help. From that time she was called, “The angel of the battlefield,”. She helped people in the worst parts in the Civil War and small battles in the Civil war. It didn’t matter to her she just wanted to help no matter what. She often put her own life in danger because she was willing to travel to the front lines in the battle.

In 1869, Clara went to Europe and learned about the International Committee of the Red Cross. She successfully founded the American Red Cross In 1881 at the age of 60! She lead the American Red Cross for the next 23 years. In 1896 she traveled to Istanbul to respond to the humanitarian crisis. She also opened the first American Red Cross headquarters in Beijing, China. She worked in hospitals in Cuba at the age of 77. she didn’t retire from the Red Cross until she was 83 years old! This is the story of Clara Barton's life story.


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